The most important information about me is that I am a passionate follower of Jesus Christ. I’m not as passionate about it as I would like to be and I certainly stumble following Jesus far more than I’d like to admit. But the driving desire of my heart is that I would live a life so zeroed in on pursuing Jesus Christ that it inspires a passion in those around me to know and imitate Jesus Christ in a far greater way than even I am.
Moving on from there, the second thing about me worth mentioning is that I am madly in love with my wife Holly and head over heels for my kids Mackenzie and Ethan. My family is the greatest source of joy that God has blessed me with. I don’t deserve the unconditional love they give but it is a constant reminder to me of the infinitely greater love and grace of God. For me, there is nothing like coming home and curling up with the family in a chair that is too small for us to all fit in. Holly is the spark in my life. My life would be so boring without her. I would spend my days driven by all of my goals and running from one project to the next. She constantly reminds me to stop and smell the flowers and see the FUN in life. Mackenzie is the artist of the family. Her mind is constantly in creative mode, from drawing, to dancing, to singing, to cutting, pasting, and designing. She is constantly reminding me that God has created us to create. And Ethan, he is just perpetual motion and nonstop energy. He keeps me in shape and smiling. I can’t wait to see what he becomes for God.
As far as everything else is concerned, anything worth saying about me is because of the work of God in my life. If I’ve accomplished something it’s because He has carried me through and empowered me. Any talent or ability is ultimately from Him and therefore I pray I use it for Him and His praise, not my own.
So that’s me in a nutshell. For some other random stuff check the other pages attached to this one.
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